CIC Market Solutions puts the audio-visual and digital expertise developed for its own activity to use for Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale clients. Thanks to our technical skills in this field we are able to create tailored institutional films or short videos to be broadcast on social networks.

CIC Market Solutions has its own filming and editing studio. This studio produces over 20 hours of broadcast-quality content per week, with 4K replay and professional capture systems for live broadcasts, recordings, and corporate films. CIC Market Solutions’ audio-visual and digital team responds to the communication needs of its corporate and financial institution clients while respecting their editorial line and visual guidelines.

Our commitment:
to create tailor-made films and events

CIC Market Solutions delivers complete, turnkey solutions tailored to clients' needs and communication practices. Our audio-visual and digital experts advise their clients on the best technical options to create the visual and sound environment they are looking for in their audio-visual communication. They pay special attention to prepping the participants, helping put them at ease before filming begins and while it is in progress.

With the increased use of digital events in 2020, CIC Market Solutions has solid expertise in the organisation of 100% digital events, but also hybrid or phygital and webinars events, mixing speakers and participants in person and remotely. Depending on the client’s needs, CIC Market Solutions can offer a streaming solution, interactivity solutions with participants (chat, Q&A session, surveys, video broadcasting), follow-up statistics and a replay link of the event.

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