CIC Market Solutions produces structured investments in the EMTN (Euro Medium Term Note) format for companies and financial institutions wishing to diversify their short-term investments.

These structured investments are distributed by Crédit Mutuel Alliance Fédérale's asset management specialists at CIC's regional banks.

Structured investments tailored to your needs and market conditions

CIC Market Solutions produces a range of structured products that are diversified with regard to asset classes covered and in terms of structures.

CIC Market Solutions' EMTNs cover the major asset classes - equities, credit, fixed income and hybrid - with a variety of underlyings.

The structures offered are diversified to best meet the needs of each client, their appetite for risk and their investment horizon. CIC Market Solutions offers Autocall, Reverse Convertible, Credit Linked Notes, Digital Range Accrual, MinMax, Callable, etc., with partial or total guarantees of capital repayment at maturity.

Legal information

CIC's issuance programmes come under English and French law. They are approved by the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier), Luxembourg's regulatory authority.

Regulatory information is available on the CIC website and on the CIC Market Solutions website.

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